Nano technology | NEWS | Hans Krug

Nano technology

As one of the few European manufacturers we introduced a technology of transparent 5% nano-lacquer for our premium furniture! It is a significant progress in the natural appearance of lacquered surface materials, also we increase the quality and the value of products that have been finalized with acrylic urethane lacquer in 10% matte.
The main visual advantage of a nano-lacquered surface is more natural tree structure and its more realistic matt appearance.  The 5% nano-lacquer technology adds the natural appearance and beauty of raw wood to the veneer. Visit one of our showrooms for more details.

The main benefits of transparent nano lacquer in 5% matt are:

  • Two-component acrylic-polyurethane lacquer has excellent light-fast properties, it contains a UV absorber.
  • It is most suitable for kitchen and bathroom furniture where high durability is required.
  • Its composition is highly resistant to mechanical damage and chemicals.
  • It meets the requirements of German standard for non-flammable materials DIN 4102 part 1B (P-MPA-E-10-507).
  • It meets the requirements of other important European standards such as EN ISO 12720, Group 1B and EN71-3, (surface treatment of toys - maximum health safety).